Zainab’s Story

Zainab is an orphan, and has looked after her younger brother and sister since their parents both passed away when she was young. Zai has also been a source of strength and support for her younger sister who has a life-threatening illness. Zainab is studying business and accounting so that she can support herself and her siblings, particularly when her sister requires medication. In 2013, I was present at the clinic as Zainab first learned of her sister’s illness and watched her put on a brave face while the doctor informed her sister. In that moment, I witnessed Zainab’s incredible strength, compassion, and character, and have continued to be impressed with her ever since. We helped Zai to obtain her high school certificate in business, and are currently supporting Zai as she studies business and accounting in university. We have no doubt that she will use her degree to do great things for her family and her community.